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Coderepublics is an online platform to learn web development and designing related technologies. It has very simple user interface which helps the user to navigate through it easily and have very simple and effective explanation of concepts with examples given for every topic to help users quickly understand the topic.

CodeRepublics Courses

HTML Tutorial HTML is a markup language i.e., it is a way for the computers to communicate with each other, to control how text is processed and presented. A website will be opened on various systems with different browsers and the markup language ensures that the website looks the same in all the systems by the help of its various tags.

CSS Tutorial CSS is the acronym for “Cascading Style Sheet“. CSS Style Sheet is used to stylize a webpage in a simple and easy way. It is used with various HTML elements to stylize and format them on the grounds of color, size, position, etc. It has various attributes with varied features. CSS also has concept of Classes and ID’s which enhances its capabilities. We will study these in detail, later in the tutorial.

JavaScript Tutorial JavaScript is the most popular and widely used client-side scripting language i.e. it runs within the client’s(user) browser. It is used to make webpages interactive and to add dynamic effects to the web pages.JavaScript is an object-oriented language, i.e. it supports all object oriented concepts like c++ or java. But, the JavaScript is not related to Java language in any way.

PHP Tutorial he Hypertext Preprocessor commonly known as PHP is a scripting language which is used to create websites with dynamic content using database in the backend. It is one of the most popular and widely used language to develop dynamic websites. It is called scripting language because its code is interpreted and not compiled.